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International Conference on

Optimization of Court Performance and Resource Allocation

 March 11th, 2013

Conference Center, National Institute of Statistics, Bucharest - Romania


The Superior Council of Magistracy will host on 11 March 2013 the International Conference on Optimization of Court Performance and Resource Allocation.

The event will take place in Bucharest, in Sala Amfiteatru of the Conference Center of the National Institute of Statistics (16 Libertăţii blv., Sector 5), between 9.30 – 17.00. The full agenda can be found here. Participation is by invitation only.

The Conference marks the end of the 18 month project Determining and Implementing the Optimal Volume of Work for Judges and Court Clerks and Ensuring the Quality of Courts'  Activity, funded by a loan from the World Bank through its program on Reform of the Judicial System, and implemented by the East-West Management Institute (EWMI), a New York not-for-profit organization with extensive judicial reform experience. The projects' major objective was to offer assistance to the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) in establishing a comprehensive system to monitor and benchmark the efficiency of courts. The project also included significant pilot court reform and training initiatives. EWMI’s experts, including team leader Dr. Jesper Wittrup of Denmark and resident adviser US Judge Kenneth Stuart, will present their findings and recommendations, with the participation and commentary of the SCM and two outside international experts, Judge Roland Ketterle of Germany and Dr. Francesco Contini of Italy. Attendees, including through question and answer sessions with the international presenters, will acquire greater knowledge concerning how to measure, monitor and improve court performance, and will learn how such improved practices will contribute to a more optimal and objective allocation of judicial resources in Romania.

For assistance, please contact Mr. Florin-Răzvan Radu, director of the European Affairs Directorate, International Relations and Programs with the Superior Council of Magistracy (e-mail: or Mr. Alexandru Băiatu, Program Manager for East-West Management Institute (e-mail:


The author’s views expressed in the publications on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the World Bank, the Romania Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), the Romania Ministry of Justice (MOJ), or East-West Management Institute (EWMI).

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