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International Conference on

Optimization of Court Performance and Resource Allocation

 March 11th, 2013

Conference Center, National Institute of Statistics, Bucharest - Romania

Conference papers

The Conference will be organized into a number of sessions, each consisting of several presentations followed by a question and answer period with the panel for that session.

A series of papers have been written for the Conference and will be the basis for most of the presentations. Copies will be available to participants. 

Several international experts from Italy and Germany will provide their perspective on performance measurement in the courts.

Session 1: A New Model for Allocating Judges and Clerks Between Courts

Session 2: The Foundation: Key Performance Indicators and Time Standards

Session 3: Court Improvement

Session 5: Key Factors for Long-Term Improvement 

Session 4: Data Quality and the Communication of Data


The author’s views expressed in the publications on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of the World Bank, the Romania Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), the Romania Ministry of Justice (MOJ), or East-West Management Institute (EWMI).

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